Robin Crosby and Erika Baxter welcome you to:
Biblical Text
Cultural Expression
Body & Soul

This intrapersonal and contemplative experience creates a sacred space for greater personal awareness, deepened spiritual desire, and compassion for others.

Diva Vida Retreats take place in home-like settings which invites greater connection among participants amidst a tranquil environment. Often churches or individuals will contact us to lead a woman's retreat in their area. We hope this retreat will stir you to embrace more life. "He came to give us life and give it abundantly" John 10:10.

Where there is love, there is life.
The Celtic Mandala creates the background for our logo, symbolizing the core of our faith and mission statement. This ancient symbol representing the Trinity, inspires us to teach and engage our world from a deeply relational, communal, and personal perspective. We call ourselves Diva Vida, a playful name, depicting both the agony and joy inherent in the life of a woman.