About us
About Robin Crosby M.A.

Robin partners in ministry with her husband, Jim, a Family Life Pastor. They are raising seven adopted children in the Seattle area. She has completed her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and leads a private practice as a mental health therapist. Robin has both facilitated and spoken at: small groups, women's and couples' retreats & conferences, and parenting workshops within her professional and church communities for over 20 years.
She loves to travel, ski, and cook with her children. She enjoys studying human nature through cinema, photography and the Biblical Text.
How others have described Robin
"Robin's speaking is richly colored with vivid imagery from her personal story. She is intensely passionate about integrating her faith with all facets of life. Her compassionate transparency invites authenticity and rest and women often feel nurtured in her presence".
About Erika Baxter M.A., LMHC, M,Div.

Erika has a successful private practice as a licensed mental health therapist in the state of Washington. She is a published writer, and holds a Masters of Divinity. Erika has been married to Paul Baxter for six years.
Erika's Presentations and Publications
Erika has presented in numerous church and academic settings, as well as writing articles and papers in professional contexts.
How others have described Erika
"Erika, a bold and whimsical speaker with a calm, and peaceful presence, possesses a hunger for learning. She has a fascinating ability to challenge both intellectual and spiritual growth while grounding women in present reality. She connects deeply with her world through relational engagement and physical activity--incorporating mountaineering, Aikido, dance and skiing into daily life. Women feel strengthened, acknowledged, and understood in her presence".